Will it poet-ify? #1: Mosaic of Frozen Thought

She read a great deal–

devouring ink

like soul-water

overwhelmed at the monstrous

mountains, massive mosaic

of frozen thought

preserved then thawed

in a spongy mind.

But the sponge is full,

puddles on the floor.

We don’t know the details

but it’s all over the printer

and the glasses and stove

and will take more

than a few Bounty sheets

to collect it.

This piece is part of “Will it poet-ify?” – a project where I take quotes or lines from literature, selected at random, and use them to inspire a poem. The lines that were randomly selected as inspiration for this piece are below.

“During that period, I read a great deal.” (Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar)

“We all know about it. We don’t know the details.” (The Gift of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok)

“Connor glanced again at the monster’s massive arms and legs, at its raggedy, toothy mouth, at its overwhelming monstrousness.” (A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness)